• Chocolate Fudge Brownies

    Chocolate Fudgy Brownies & Truth

    “A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right, and evil doesn’t become good, just because it’s accepted…” ― Booker T. Washington I had to read this a couple times and give it a minute (or a day) to settle into my mind. How often do we accept a lie because others around us are telling us it’s true? I have found myself recently stuck in a situation where people can be so convincing that you start to actually believe the lie. And not only believe it, but repeat it over and over in your head like a cursed mantra. Your standards are too high You’re too emotional You’re too…

  • Pecan Blondies

    Welcome To The Nut House: Pecan Blondies

    It’s just another day in crazy town at my house. This whole pandemic thing gives a whole new meaning to cabin fever. The days are starting to blend together and resemble something like Groundhogs Day. Most of the day is spent cleaning up messes and trying to keep my two boys from breaking something. As a nurse working on a COVID unit, I have done my due diligence and hunkered down in my home on my days off which unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) for my kid’s means no days at the park or playing with friends. We definitely miss those times and look forward…

  • Biscoff Cookie Butter Cookies

    Biscoff Cookie Butter Cookies

    It’s something that I will always regret. I beat myself up over it all the time. How could I have been so selfish? Why did I choose to shove those little cookies in my carry-on bag (never to be seen again, I might add) for all those years? One day on a plane flight, I was hungry enough that I decided to try them out. I opened up that little package and found two oblong cookies with ‘Lotus’ printed on them. After that first bite, there was no going back. I was an immediate lover and connoisseur of all things Lotus Biscoff. They are crunchy with the perfect snap. They…