• Cardamom Buns

    You may be wondering what the heck is cardamom. And I wondered that too when I was introduce to it by my grandma. Being Swedish, she commonly used cardamom in recipes for sweets and breads. But living in the western area of the United States, I rarely crossed paths with this foreign spice. It is a very unique spice that I think often gets overlooked. We like to default to cinnamon because it’s familiar and fairly cheap to buy. Cardamom is a little more expensive because it’s more difficult to harvest, but in my opinion the cost is worth it. The flavor is sweet and spicy with a hint of…

  • Dutch Oven Artisan Bread

    Dutch Oven Artisan Bread

    Is there anything better than the smell of fresh bread baking in the oven? A batch of my Biscoff cookies may come close but there is nothing like the aroma of yeasty warm bread. It’s practically begging to be cut into, slathered with butter and eaten. I dreaded making bread for the longest time because no matter how hard I tried, I could never recreate that crusty, moist, flavorful yeasty bread that I so craved. The crust was never right, the center always too dry and the flavor always fell flat. I practically gave up on making bread after so many failed attempts. Maybe I was doomed from the start…

  • Super Moist Banana Bread

    Momma’s Going Bananas Over Here, Send Help

    I am a true believer of broken roads because without them, we could not become the person we are meant to be. It is in the fire that steel is forged, slowly and painstakingly a dull piece of metal is turned into a sharp edged sword, and such is life- we endure trials and climb our mountains. We burn in the fire in hopes of a better day once the smoke has cleared. But lately, the fire has seemed hotter, the mountain taller and the smoke so thick you could choke on it.   Before I became a mother, I never knew how isolating it could be. This past February…