• Almond Torte

    Lonely Hearts & Almond Tortes

    Loneliness is one sneaky devil. Everything’s fine at first, you don’t realize it’s settling in around you but it’s there, traveling like smoke, weaving its self through every part of your being. You don’t feel it climbing up your legs, up your body, into your mind, until it’s gripping your heart in its cold dark fingers. Even then, when it has you in its hands like a vice, you can still deny its presence. We try to fill the void with things like social media by staring at faces of people we “know” but don’t really know at all. We turn on our phone and the curtain opens, we go on…

  • Cinnamon Apple Streusel Muffins

    Making Apple Memories

    There is something about the smell of a fresh picked apple that makes me feel nostalgic about my childhood. When I was 4 years old we lived near an apple tree that was next to some land with sheep. When I smell an apple, I am right back there standing in that field, shoving sun warmed apples through a narrow fence to feed the sheep. It makes me wonder, when my sons are grown, what things will they look back upon and feel nostalgic about. What memories will they cherish and bring a smile to their faces? There is so much pressure on parents these days to be the perfect…

  • Super Moist Banana Bread

    Momma’s Going Bananas Over Here, Send Help

    I am a true believer of broken roads because without them, we could not become the person we are meant to be. It is in the fire that steel is forged, slowly and painstakingly a dull piece of metal is turned into a sharp edged sword, and such is life- we endure trials and climb our mountains. We burn in the fire in hopes of a better day once the smoke has cleared. But lately, the fire has seemed hotter, the mountain taller and the smoke so thick you could choke on it.   Before I became a mother, I never knew how isolating it could be. This past February…

  • Heavenly Pumpkin Scones

    Heavenly Pumpkin Scones

    It’s full fledge fall around here and I absolutely love it. As soon as that cold breeze starts drifting through the valley that we live in, my soul gets slightly more happy and at peace. I’m not sure if it’s the brightly colored leaves, the crisp mornings, leather boots, steaming cups of spiced lattes or just the anticipation of the festivities to come in the near future.  In our household, fall means late days spent working on the farm. Hazelnuts are dropping from their trees, pumpkins are fattening and fields are being prepared for the coming winter.  Fall also means delicious pies, cakes, breads, soups and anything else you can imagine with…